Frequently Asked Questions

Welcome to Champp – where fashion meets purpose! Discover how we create positive change by offering ad space on high school clothing, providing free shirts, and empowering students through our scholarship program. Join us in fostering a drug-free environment and investing in the future of our youth. Explore the FAQs below to learn more about Champp's impactful initiatives.

What is Champp?

Champp is a unique initiative that combines advertising opportunities with a social mission. We offer ad space on high school clothing, providing schools with free shirts. Our goal is to keep drugs out of the hands of students and promote a positive environment.

How Does Champp work?

Advertisers purchase space on high school clothing, and in return, we provide schools with free shirts featuring those advertisements. This way, schools benefit from the ads while students receive free clothing.

Who can advertise with champp?

Champp welcomes businesses from various industries. Whether you're a local business or a national brand, you can contribute to creating a drug-free environment in schools while promoting your brand.

how are the funds used to support schools?

The funds generated from ad space purchases go directly towards providing schools with free athletic attire and scholarships. This helps schools save on clothing expenses and allocate their budget to other educational needs.

How can schools participate in the Champp program?

Schools interested in joining Champp can contact us through our website. We'll guide them through the process and discuss the details of the program, ensuring a seamless integration into our initiative.

Are the shirts provided to schools customizable?

Yes, schools have the option to customize the shirts with their logos, mottos, or other relevant branding. This allows them to maintain their unique identity while benefiting from the Champp program.

How long does an advertising campaign on Champp last?

The duration of an advertising campaign can vary. Advertisers can choose from different campaign lengths based on their goals and budget.

How does Champp contribute to preventing drug use among students?

Champp aims to create a positive and drug-free atmosphere in schools by providing students with free clothing through ad revenue. The idea is that by engaging with positive messages on their clothing, students are less likely to be influenced by negative behaviors.

Can individuals or parents get involved with Champp?

While Champp primarily works with advertisers and schools, individuals and parents can support our mission by spreading awareness about our initiative and encouraging local businesses to participate.

Is Champp available in all regions?

Champp is actively expanding, and we welcome interest from schools and advertisers nationwide. Please check our website or contact us to inquire about availability in your region.


Uniting Communities, Fostering Hope, Inspiring Drug-Free Lives!

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